Samad Aerospace

We were approached by Samad Aerospace to bring to life their revolutionary new hybrid electric jet. The video highlights the key features of the jet to show its unique attributes in order to draw in new clientel. In the movie we showcase the interiors (designed by Dark Wolf Visuals), the range of travel and the mechanics of the flight.
Samad Aerospace Logo


Samad provided us with a CAD model of their hybrid jet, which we used to create a new look and feel to the jet from. We adjusted the geometry, UVs and textures to make the model ready for rendering and animation. We also created the interior from scratch, based on other jet interiors, capacity of the plane and how they envisioned passengers would be able to interact within the plane and the level of comfort they should receive.
Original Image Rendered Image
Modified Image CAD model


Utilising graphical overlays we could emphasize the key features of the jet, especially its unique takeoff method.
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